First. Let us make one thing Clear. I Still am Mad and disappointed in this book. I think it is much worse than any of the other 5th ed codices (codex Plural?) except maybe 'Nids. I am Still peeved, and will hate Mat Ward until the day he dies.
But... there is an escalation league... and I do like Painting these guys.... so yeah, I will Play this turd heap of a codex.
I Am painting bone necrons. The Dry Brushed Bolt gun never Really Did it for me, So i am Stripping and repainting my metallic legions. I have a great paint scheme, but Have no idea how to apply it to Tanks... Oh well, another Day.
But... there is an escalation league... and I do like Painting these guys.... so yeah, I will Play this turd heap of a codex.
I Am painting bone necrons. The Dry Brushed Bolt gun never Really Did it for me, So i am Stripping and repainting my metallic legions. I have a great paint scheme, but Have no idea how to apply it to Tanks... Oh well, another Day.
Here is what I have Finished. I think for the 750 Level I will have 7 Scarabs. In my final List, I will most Likely have 10. I love Destroyers too much (even though the suck now) to not have 2 units.
What do you think of the paint? I did these all in like 4 hours (including the Bases) (and a few chapters of Steven King) so the time is right, and the look is OK.